Friday, 18 April 2014

Home made bread

Today after so long made some coconut buns and cinammon bread.

Feeling good because they turned out really good and with compliments from from home chefs......Manorekha and hubby...

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


I open mail today and these is the message that I received. To share with all of you....

The Light Remedy 
April 15th, 2014

You are strong... The moment you do not
think weak thoughts

You are happy... the moment you do not
posses the weak thought...

You are at peace... the moment you
observe the weak
thought and let it


You are complete... the moment you
are yourself and nothing

Why carry the burden... when there is

Why fear the misery... when there is

Why fear the fear... when there is the
heart (love)...

Why give up on yourself... When within you
there is God...

Every thought begins with the "I"...

Fear begins to arise as one becomes attached and controlled by his own thought...

When you desire to be happy you lose your peace...

When you think you are at peace you are actually in transition between attempting to be at peace and fearing to be not at peace...

You have to let the thought pass... Fear is born when a thought becomes stationed...

When you try to control a thought you become controlled by it...

Peace cannot be received by an outside source... Peace is the very nature of the Atma (spirit)...

(Inspirational message received by Seema M Dewan)

Awaken the Divine within you...
  Love All, Serve All  

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